The best vitamins for immunity for adults

Strong immunity is the key to health. To do this, you need to eat well, lead a healthy lifestyle and take special vitamins. Together with expert Maryat Gogova, we have compiled a list of good and inexpensive means to strengthen immunity.

Each of us quite often heard that it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. And these are not empty words, because immunity is the main ally of a person in the fight against infectious diseases and not only. It depends on immunity how often and how severely a person gets sick.

Today, a decrease in immunity is observed in almost all developed countries. Of course, today in pharmacies you can find a variety of vitamin complexes to improve immunity, but not all drugs can be trusted.

And you also need to remember that there is no magic pill, so it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in a complex way: exercise, walk in the fresh air, eat a full and varied diet, and give up bad habits. Immunity support is especially needed by pregnant and lactating women, those who are prone to frequent infectious diseases, as well as people with difficult working conditions.

What is the danger of vitamin deficiency

An imbalance of vitamins and other nutrients in the human body affects physical and mental health, the condition of the skin, bones, the digestive system, and can also provoke the development of various diseases. Residents of modern cities, who often spend time at home playing at or going out with friends or family, rarely encounter beriberi – a complete absence of a whole group of vitamins in the body. More often, patients have hypovitaminosis – a low content of one or more nutrients.

How to identify a vitamin deficiency

Lack can be associated with both insufficient intake of them in the body (starvation, diet, vegetarianism), and with pathological processes and chronic diseases. The level of vitamins and minerals changes under the influence of stress, hormones, environmental conditions. The lack of certain biologically active substances may be in a healthy person at first glance. Therefore, to identify a vitamin deficiency, you should consult a doctor.

After getting proper knowledge of what is required for the development of your body, the next thing is to look for the best gummy vitamins to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In the next section, we will discuss vitamin gummies at all times. 

Experts distinguish the following signs of deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements:

-Vitamin A (retinol): dry skin, blurred vision, growth retardation in children.

-Vitamins of group B: apathy, irritability, insomnia, lack of appetite, nervousness, dry lips, alopecia.

Vitamin C: fatigue, nosebleeds, brittle nails, pain in the limbs and lower back, bleeding gums.

-Vitamin D: chronic fatigue, bone fragility, muscle spasm, obesity, reduced immunity, rickets in children, memory impairment, sleep disturbance.

-Calcium: cramps, gum disease and tooth decay, joint deformity and muscle pain, dull hair color, brittle nails.

Iron: loss of strength, shortness of breath, dry skin and mucous membranes, brittleness and hair loss, weakness.

—Potassium: muscle weakness, fatigue, irritability, dry skin.

Magnesium helps regulate over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, improving energy production, hormone balance, and metabolic functioning, all of which support immune health. Although magnesium can be found in foods such as legumes and whole grains, many people require additional supplementation like magnesium gummies to help support long-term immunity and improved overall health. 


1. Unbalanced or monotonous nutrition. It is difficult to get the daily dose of the necessary macro- and micronutrients in a day. With a lack of vitamins, close attention should be paid to the diet.

2. Violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. With reduced stomach acidity, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin C, copper, and zinc will be poorly absorbed. If there are problems with bile secretion, then there may be difficulties with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins – A, D and K. If the microflora is disturbed and the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, the absorption of nutrients will be impaired.

3. The use of sugar, carbohydrates and trans fats in large quantities. Their high dietary intake can contribute to vitamin and mineral deficiencies by interfering with healthy absorption of micronutrients.

What vitamins to take

The selection of vitamins for each individual person should be dealt with by a specialist. They must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions of the attending physician:

1 Vitamin intake should be regular during the period specified in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor.

2It is necessary to follow the recommendations for the time of admission.

3 Follow the dosage according to the instructions or according to the recommendations of the doctor, without increasing the daily volume.

According to experts, most people lack vitamin D. This problem affects 97% of the population. The lack of B vitamins and carotenoids, including vitamin A of animal origin, occurs in 74% of the general population. Often there is a shortage of these vitamins immediately.

Also, many people are chronically deficient in vitamin D. Even in summer, there is not enough sun to recharge for a whole year. Meanwhile, adults and children need vitamin D for immunity, bone growth, maintaining muscle tone and reducing the risk of depressive disorders.

Also, most people are prone to deficiency of B vitamins. Women are prone to iron deficiency anemia: both B vitamins and iron take part in the formation of hemoglobin. These are the necessary elements that every woman should receive before the menopause period.

Experts emphasize that it is undesirable for children under seven years of age to give vitamins in capsules. The best choice for a child is fruit-flavored drops or chewable tablets.

Vitamins for pregnant women are also selected by the doctor. During pregnancy planning, childbearing and during lactation, a woman’s body needs vitamin support. Often, pregnant women are prescribed folic acid and iron. Vitamin D helps in strengthening the immune system, the development of the nervous system, as well as in the formation of teeth in the fetus.

How to combine vitamins

The right combination of vitamins is the main aspect in the selection of drugs. In order to make up for the existing deficit as efficiently as possible, you need to know which elements can and cannot be used together.

There are vitamins that effectively interact with each other and, when taken at a time, have a complex positive effect on the body:

-A and E go well together, but the dose of the latter should be less;

-B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine) are ideally combined with K;

-B12 can be combined with B5, and B6 (pyridoxine) with B2;

-P enhances the properties of vitamin C, E, B9 (folic acid);

-F is recommended with vitamins A, D, E, as well as group B;

-B12 (cyanocobalamin) is effective in combination with B5, B9;

— Vitamin C increases the activity of vitamin E.

Natural sources of vitamins

The water-soluble ones are regularly excreted in the urine. Deficiency of these beneficial compounds develops more often. Of these, only niacin is produced by the body (with the participation of intestinal microflora).

From fat-soluble, a person is able to synthesize calciferol (in the presence of a sufficient amount of sunlight) and phylloquinone. Retinol is formed in the body from beta-carotene, so its intake is a prerequisite for internal synthesis.

All other nutrients with sufficient nutrition can be obtained from products. This includes not only fruits and vegetables, as is commonly believed, but also legumes, cereals, mushrooms, meat and offal, fish, milk, eggs. Each product may contain several required compounds.

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