Simple rules will help maintain vigor and health after 50 years

Alcohol provokes oxidative stress and accelerates the aging of the body. Therefore, those who want to live long should give up alcohol. About this and other simple rules, following which you can maintain cheerfulness for a long time, we will tell in this article.

Changes in the body that ultimately lead to aging begin long before its first signs appear. Already after the age of 25, damage at the level of molecules, cells and tissues begins to gradually accumulate in the body. As these breakdowns accumulate, the metabolism is disturbed, which gives rise to the development of “diseases of old age” – cardiovascular, oncological, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoarthritis, etc. Of course, everything happens differently for everyone, but it is in our power to slow down this process.

Health and activity at any age depend on the efforts of physicians by only 10 percent. About another 15 percent is the contribution of genetics, heredity, and everything else is a lifestyle that is exclusively in our hands. Life extension is achieved by extending the period of health. There are some simple but important rules that help you live a long life and stay active in old age.

Here are the rules.

Follow the regime

It is important to observe the measured and routine in everything: get up and go to bed at the same time both on weekdays and on weekends. It is also better to eat according to the schedule. You need to eat at least three times a day, portions are small. The most abundant meal is in the morning, and try to make dinner light

Eat Right

The diet should contain everything you need: high-quality proteins, polyunsaturated fats, “complex” carbohydrates. Observe the drinking regime: it is better to always have a bottle of water in sight and drink a little from time to time. The basis of the diet is seasonal vegetables and fruits, sea fish, lean meat, cereals, nuts, legumes. Cut down on salt and sugar. One of the most beneficial diets is the Mediterranean diet, which significantly reduces mortality from cardiovascular diseases by 34%.

Stay Active

Do not chase records, 30 minutes of brisk walking a day is enough to stay alert for many years. In combination with a rational diet, physical activity significantly delays the onset of diseases of old age. If you like more extreme entertainment – try live betting odds.

Give up bad habits

Alcohol and nicotine do nothing for the body. Alcohol can accelerate the oxidation of cell membranes and damage the structure of DNA, which causes intense oxidative stress and the release of free radicals into the blood, which accelerate aging. Studies have shown that intemperance in the use of alcohol takes an average of 9-10 years of life. A significant contribution to the development of any disease of old age is made by smoking.

Monitor sleep quality

A healthy person should sleep an average of 7 hours – and always in the dark. It is only in the dark that the hormone melatonin, which is important for the life of the body, is produced. Daytime sleep in the light of health does not bring.

Get checked regularly

Checkups – regular health checks – fortunately, are already becoming the norm. The clinical examination program is focused on early diagnosis and prevention of the development of those chronic non-communicable diseases that make the largest contribution to the mortality of the population – primarily cardiovascular and oncological diseases, as well as obesity and diabetes. For example, a simple blood test for cholesterol levels will allow you to suspect the risk of atherosclerosis and the development of coronary heart disease in time.

Do not neglect the methods of specific disease prevention

Vaccination of older people against coronavirus is vital! In addition, people over 60 need to get vaccinated against the flu every year and it is recommended to get vaccinated against pneumococcal infection.

And the main rule: do not put off a healthy life “for later.” To slow down the aging process, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle from a young age. It is not necessary to chase records, 30 minutes of brisk walking a day is enough to stay alert for years to come.

Turning 50 is a milestone for women. By this time, they usually reach a stable financial and social position, their children grow up and leave the family nest, grandchildren appear. Modernity paints us a new image of a 50-year-old woman – no longer a textbook cozy grandmother in a headscarf, but an elegant, active, self-confident lady who is on the same wavelength with the youth.

The World Health Organization agrees with this: the period from 45 to 59 years is considered middle age, and only from 60 to 74 years old is considered old. On the other hand, it is around 50 that the body begins to change, gray hair appears, numerous diseases begin to appear. Therefore, at this time it is necessary to review your lifestyle and make changes to it for a long and productive life.

Decreased levels of sex hormones

The key change after 50 is the onset of menopause. Menopause (menopause) is a condition caused by the gradual extinction of ovarian function, a decrease in the level of female sex hormones – estrogens – and the complete cessation of menstruation. Menopause is a natural age phenomenon, but it can occur at any age after the removal of the ovaries or uterus, after chemotherapy, or some other diseases.

Estrogens play a huge role in a woman’s life. During the reproductive period, they help a woman give birth and feed a child, increase muscle strength and bone density, speed up metabolism, strengthen immunity, protect the heart and blood vessels, and regulate the activity of the nervous system. Gradually, with age, the production of estrogen decreases, which leads to a number of changes.

A few years before menopause, menstruation becomes irregular, some women experience hot flashes with sweating and redness of the skin, mood swings, and sleep problems. By the way, during the premenopausal period, a woman can still become pregnant. And sometimes the signs of pregnancy are regarded as menopause.

Due to hormonal changes and some of the events that occur at this stage – growing up of children, illness of parents, family crises – depression can develop or intensify.

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