Kandos Real Estate: How to Strike the Best Deal

Are you planning to put your property on sale in Kandos, Australia? Though kandos real estate market has seen decent growth in recent years, it can still be complex and emotionally challenging to sell your property successfully. 

In the past ten-year period, the real estate market of Kandos has seen a growth of 7.51%, which means your prospects are good. However, you must watch out for common mistakes that prevent property owners from selling their property or securing the best price. Keep reading to know about them. 

  1. Being Too Emotionally Driven 

Selling your house is as much a matter of the heart as it is of the head, especially if it’s your first time doing so. However, when it’s time for a sale, donning the hat of a salesperson or businessman is more vital than that of a homeowner. 

Cherish the memories made and keep them close to your heart but look at the entire process purely from a financial perspective. Also, get into your buyer’s shoes. This will help you fix the stage for a good sale through minor remodelling and renovations. 

  1. Choosing a Price Bracket That is Unrealistic 

If you do not settle for the right asking price, you might never find a relevant buyer for the property. You and your agent must have conducted a thorough comparative market analysis before purchasing the current property. 

As the kandos real estate market becomes more competitive, other buyers will also do the same to secure a fair offering price. Stay one step ahead and steer clear of the temptation of overpricing. On the contrary, underpricing may be a strategy that helps you gain a fair value after multiple offers and biddings. 

  1. Not Working with a Real Estate Agent 

Another mistake many homeowners make is going solo. This is especially true of those selling their property for the first time. Remember that there is power in numbers. Hiring a good real estate agent will help you set a fair price based on competitive selling and improve the odds of a faster sale. 

Plus, the agents also have good experience when it comes to negotiating with buyers and are conversant with all the paperwork involved for proper ownership transfer. Always opt for a reliable real estate agent to keep yourself free of legal and technical hassles. 

  1. Lacking High-Quality Property Visuals 

Most buyers partially form their decision while going through property photos online, so you will do yourself a great disservice by skimping on listing pictures. Kandos is full of amazing properties with not-so-amazing photos which do not bag them a relevant buyer. 

You’ll be surprised how some high-quality photos can set you apart in the market. Perhaps hire a professional real estate photographer to get the best results. You can even add a 360-degree video tour of your property to entice potential buyers. 

The latter can be easily done with the help of a smartphone; no professional help is needed! 

Don’t Let Your Plan be a House of Cards! 

Finally, ensure you sell your property at the right time of the year. Yes, there is such a thing! The Kandos real estate market is typically slow during the winter months, as is the case for the rest of the world. 

Perhaps it’s just the extreme cold that makes it more appealing to curl up at home. Putting your house on sale during the spring or summer months when more buyers are looking will get you a faster sale and better prices. However, don’t forget to hire a reliable real estate agent who helps you through it all! 

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