What is Instagram’s Role in Social Media Marketing

So, you’ve heard of Instagram, right? Of course you have. The popular social media platform has over 1 billion monthly active users sharing photos and short videos. As an online marketer, you know the power of social media for brand visibility and engagement. Instagram offers unique opportunities to connect with your target audience. But how exactly does Instagram fit into your social media marketing strategy? What kind of content performs best on the platform? And how can you leverage Instagram to drive real business results? This article will explore Instagram’s role in social media marketing and provide actionable tips for marketers looking to gain a competitive edge. Whether you’re a social media novice or a seasoned pro, you’re sure to discover insights to strengthen your Instagram marketing game. So, keep reading to unlock the secrets of this influential channel.

Instagram Engagement Is Off the Charts

Instagram is the social network of the moment, and for good reason. Engagement on Instagram is through the roof compared to other platforms. Why is Instagram engagement so high? A few reasons:

  • Instagram is a visual platform. Colorful images and short videos catch people’s attention and are more engaging than text alone. This makes Instagram content highly shareable.
  • Instagram has a young, active user base. Over 60% of Instagram users are under 30, and they tend to be very engaged with the platform. Brands that target younger audiences will find an enthusiastic following on Instagram.
  • Instagram encourages real-time interaction. Features like Stories, live video, and polling stickers make followers feel like they’re engaging with brands in real time. This dynamic, interactive experience keeps people spending more time on the platform.
  • Instagram uses an algorithm that favors engagement. Instagram’s feed algorithm ranks content based on engagement like likes, comments, saves, and views. So brands that generate high engagement will get better visibility in followers’ feeds.

Instagram Has Become a Discovery Platform

Instagram has transformed into a major discovery platform, and for good reason. As an image and video-first platform, Instagram is ideal for showcasing products, services, and experiences in an authentic way.

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram gives you access to a huge potential audience. People turn to Instagram to find inspiration and discover new things, so you have the opportunity to attract new followers and customers.

Instagram’s algorithm favors accounts that post high-quality, eye-catching photos and short videos. To get discovered on Instagram, focus on creating visual content that sparks interest and elicits engagement. Things like:

  • Behind-the-scenes photos and videos of your product or service
  • Curated images of your products, especially if you have a visual brand
  • Short video clips, tutorials, or stories to give followers an inside look at your company
  • Repost and tag other users to cross-promote to new audiences

Instagram Stories Are a Game Changer

Instagram Stories have revolutionized how brands connect with their audiences on Instagram. Here are a few ways Stories can boost your social media marketing strategy:

Reach New Followers

Stories appear at the top of users’ feeds for 24 hours, giving your content prime real estate in front of viewers. Stories are also prominently featured in the stories bar at the top of the app, so even non-followers can discover your brand. Use Stories to give viewers a “day in the life” look at your business or promote sales and new products to gain new followers. If that isn’t working for you, then it’s time you buy some followers. With Mixx, it’s quite affordable to buy Instagram followers that are real and interested in your page. 

Increase Engagement

Stories create a sense of urgency since they disappear quickly. This encourages viewers to not just watch your Story but also like, comment on, and share it before it’s gone. Ask your followers questions in your Stories or prompt them to take action, like visiting your website or entering a contest. Engagement from Stories even impacts your overall Instagram engagement numbers and ranking.

Be Authentic and Personal

The casual nature of Stories allows you to be more authentic and personable with your audience. Share behind-the-scenes footage of your business, introduce your team, or capture a funny or heartfelt moment. Putting a human face and personality behind your brand helps to build trust and loyalty with your followers. Viewers want to see the real people and moments behind the scenes that make your business unique.

Promote Your Instagram Feed

Use Stories to give sneak peeks of content you’re sharing in your main Instagram feed. For example, share a quick video of a new product photo shoot or clips from an upcoming ‘how-to’ video. This builds interest in your posts and trains your followers to check both your Stories and feed. You can also reshare feed posts as Stories to give them a second life and gain more views.

Instagram Advertising Options Galore

Instagram offers several advertising options to help boost your social media marketing efforts. Their tools provide targeted ways to increase brand awareness and drive conversions with your audience.

Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads enable you to promote your posts or profile to new audiences. You choose your marketing objective, create an engaging ad with eye-catching visuals, set a budget, and Instagram will distribute your ad to the relevant people. Options include:

  • Photo Ads: Promote a single photo post. Great for showcasing products or services.
  • Video Ads: Highlight a short video to capture attention. Works well to demonstrate something or share a quick brand story.
  • Carousel Ads: Feature multiple images or videos in a single ad. Allows you to showcase more of what you offer.
  • Story Ads: Promote your story to users beyond just your followers. Helps raise brand awareness in a casual, authentic way.


IGTV Ads are video ads that play before IGTV long-form videos. They are up to 15 seconds in length and link to your profile, website or an IGTV video. This ad type is ideal if you have an engaged IGTV audience and want to monetize your channel. You only pay when viewers watch your entire ad.

Branded Content

Branded Content lets influencers promote your products to their followers in an authentic way. You provide products, marketing assets and compensation to influencers. In return, they create social posts, stories or IGTV content featuring your products. Their followers engage with the organic-feeling branded content, which drives traffic and sales for your business. This influencer marketing approach requires finding creators with an engaged, relevant following.


So there you have it, Instagram is becoming an increasingly important tool for social media marketing. With an engaged user base of over 1 billion people, Instagram provides an opportunity to connect with your audience in an authentic way. The visual nature of the platform means high-quality photos and videos are a must, but creating a cohesive feed and brand esthetic will help you stand out. Instagram stories and live videos also allow you to give followers a glimpse behind the scenes of your business.

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