What Are the Major Causes of Car Accidents in Dallas, TX?

Auto accidents are among the leading causes of serious injuries and deaths in the US every year. According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), it leads to a staggering &900 billion in damages.

And if you are residing in Dallas, know that the city has the 5th– highest rate of car accidents among the country’s 25 biggest cities. If you have been hurt in an auto accident in Dallas or want to avoid getting involved in a car crash, you might be wondering what causes vehicle collisions in the city. Some of the causes that every reliable Dallas car accident lawyer says are common include the following:

  1. Improper Speed

Data shows that one of the major causes of a car accident in Dallas is improper speed on the roadway. That includes drivers going beyond legal speed limits and failing to control the speed.

Since the increase in speed both heightens the impact of an accident and lengthens the time a car needs to stop fully, driving recklessly remains the major source of fatal car accidents in the city.

  1. Drunk Driving and Intoxication

Diving while drunk is among the risky causes of a car accident in Dallas and often results in death. If you get drunk, it is advisable to take Lyft, an Uber, or a taxi or give the car keys to your sober friend to take you home.

Although alcohol is normally the culprit, other drugs are associated with driving. These include prescription pills, marijuana, and other prohibited drugs.

  1. Unsafe Change of Lanes

Changing lanes improperly is among the most risky activities many drivers engage in. Drivers who don’t use their turn signals or try to change lanes without having space or time to do so may easily collide with other vehicles, resulting in a collision. It is advisable to always use a turn signal, exercise caution, and check blind spots whenever you merge or change lanes.

  1. Poor Weather Conditions

Poor weather conditions play an important role when it comes to causing car accidents. As a matter of fact, it is among the major causes of a car accident.

Poor weather conditions need you to be extra cautious behind the wheel. A road, which is safe to travel at 80 miles per hour during summer can be risky at 40 miles per hour in the torrential downpour.

  1. Car Defects

Although human errors account for many causes of an auto accident, your auto manufacturer might be at fault. Your vehicle can spot defects, which have caused the accident that might be unique to your automobile.

Note down the car recalls involving your vehicle’s model. Also, ensure you take your vehicle for preventive maintenance regularly.

To Wrap-Up

You can avoid most car accidents with the right amount of care as well as smart decision-making. But you can’t possibly avoid all of them. Things such as reckless driving, speeding, tailgating, or drunk driving, for instance, are at the drivers’ discretion.

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