The Best Ways to Enjoy Florida on a Budget  

Just as in the case of virtually any other holiday destination you could think of, it is entirely possible to burn through thousands upon thousands of dollars in just a couple of days when visiting Florida, but equally, it is more than viable to enjoy the Sunshine State on a budget.

So, whether you have already booked your flights and are currently planning an exciting and varied itinerary or you are merely considering your options at this stage, either way, continue reading to learn the best ways to enjoy Florida on a budget. 


When planning a family vacation camping on the beach in Florida, there are some essential items to remember to pack, especially if you have small children and toddlers, including the following as a bare minimum:

  • First aid kit
  • Sunscreen and sunglasses
  • Insect repellant
  • Toiletries and a wash bag
  • Cooking equipment and food
  • Maps and flashlights
  • Spare batteries and portable chargers
  • Trash bags 
  • Battery-operated radio

Book for the Cheaper Months

Should you choose to visit Florida between the months of June and December, you should be prepared for the fact that this is the Atlantic hurricane season, and throughout the entirety of this period, hotels will be significantly cheaper than outside of this bracket.

Within the hurricane season, the best weather is generally to be found in either September or October, so choosing to vacation in either of these months means you will be paying a lot less, yet will still be almost guaranteed hot and sunny weather. 

Purchase Day Tickets Ahead of Time

When it comes to Disney World Florida and other tourist hot spots, it is far cheaper to book your tickets ahead of time. If you take the time to search the internet for the best deals and discounts, you could even find an impressively affordable way of visiting the parks. 

You should also remember to apply this practice to other day trips and special arrangements, such as for theme parks and national parks. 

Be Aware of the Average Costs 

Sometimes, even more so in popular tourist hotspots, the local café and restaurant owners tend to hike up the prices for food and drink, with local people avoiding such establishments entirely. 

It is for this reason that, in order to vacation affordably, you should be aware of the average and updated costs for everyday life in Florida to make sure you are not paying above and beyond what you should be. 

When dining on the coast, for example, and treating yourself and your partner to a fresh seafood dinner, you should be paying no more than eighty dollars, and for a cup of fresh coffee, no more than four. 

If you are interested in craft beer, then there are more than a few Florida breweries where you should be paying under ten dollars for a pint, and for the all-important seaside souvenirs on the beach, nothing should be more than twenty dollars, with t-shirts and towels priced around fifteen dollars. 

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