Six Tips for Keeping Your Newborn Healthy

It’s the wish of every parent to ensure their newborn is healthy and happy. However, the experience can be stressful or overwhelming. Knowing what steps to take to ensure your precious bundle of joy is healthy and happy can be challenging. That’s why we’ve put together this list of a few tips for keeping your newborn baby healthy. From vaccines to nutrition, these tips will help you take the proper steps to give your newborn the best start in life. Read on to find out more!

Before we begin: Be aware of any risks

When caring for your newborn baby, it’s essential to be aware of any potential risks during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. During pregnancy, ensuring you get enough rest, eating a balanced diet, and attending regular prenatal appointments are crucial for your and your baby’s health. After birth, there are also risks of injury that parents should be aware of.

Birth Injury Statistics:

According to the CDC, an estimated 6 to 8 out of every 1,000 babies in the US are born with an injury. These can range from mild injuries such as bruises to more severe neurological damage or physical disabilities.

One of the most common types of birth injury is cerebral palsy. According to an estimate, around 10,000 babies are born with cerebral palsy yearly in the US. This neurological disorder can cause physical disability and difficulty with coordination, movement, and balance.

Another type of birth injury is cephalohematoma newborn, caused by bleeding between the baby’s skull and scalp. This condition is estimated to occur in up to 2.5% of all births. While it is usually harmless, cephalohematoma can occasionally cause anemia, jaundice, and low blood pressure in newborn babies. It can also cause problems with brain development, so it is essential to watch out for the signs and symptoms and talk to your doctor if you are concerned. The Birth Injury Justice Center can help you if you or your child has suffered an injury due to medical negligence during labor and delivery.

Facial paralysis is another type of birth injury that parents should be aware of. It occurs when facial nerves are damaged during childbirth, which can lead to drooping of the face or partial facial paralysis. It can occur in up to one in 1,500 births.

Erb’s palsy is another type of birth injury that can affect babies. It occurs when the brachial plexus nerves become damaged, resulting in a weakened or paralyzed arm. It can occur in up to two out of every 1,000 births.

Brain injuries can occur during childbirth if the baby does not receive enough oxygen during delivery. It can cause long-term neurological damage in up to one in every 1,000 births.

It’s important for expecting parents to be aware of these potential risks so that they can take steps to reduce the chances of a birth injury occurring. It includes ensuring that all necessary prenatal tests are done and that the mother receives proper care during labor and delivery.

So now that you are aware of the risks related to birth injury, we should move on to what necessary steps you can take to keep your child healthy after birth. Following are some tips for you.

  1. Wash your hands

When caring for a newborn baby, it is critical to practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands regularly. Before feeding, changing diapers, and handling them, ensure your hands are thoroughly washed. It will assist in protecting your baby from any germs or bacteria that may threaten the baby’s health.

Ensure that their toys and other belongings are kept in a clean environment. It can be accomplished by giving them a gentle cleanse with a mild detergent in warm water and then thoroughly rinsing them afterward. You can use an alcohol-based disinfectant for items that can’t be washed, such as stuffed animals. Always read the recommendations on the container since some products should not be used on goods intended for infants or young children. Lastly, make it a habit to promptly clean up any spills or messes to prevent the spreading of germs and bacteria throughout the house.

  • Get them vaccinated

Getting your newborn vaccinated is an essential part of keeping them healthy. Vaccines help protect them from severe and potentially deadly diseases, so they must stay up to date on their shots. Ask your pediatrician which vaccinations your baby needs and when they should get them. Keep a record of when and what vaccines your baby gets so that you can stay on track. It’s also a good idea to inform your family and friends about your baby’s vaccination schedule, as this helps to protect everyone around them.

  • Provide them with proper nutrition

Breast milk has all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your newborn needs for the first six months. It is also easier for your baby to digest than any other food. Breastfeeding should be done immediately after birth and continued until your baby is at least 12 months old. Also, introduce complementary foods after six months for continued growth and development. However, be mindful of food allergies and sensitivities when introducing solids.

  • Burp them often

Burping your baby is an essential part of keeping them healthy. Burping helps release air that can get trapped in their stomachs, which can cause them discomfort. When your baby has finished feeding, burp them for about 10 to 15 minutes. Make sure you hold them upright with their head over your shoulder and lightly pat their back to help them release any gas. If your baby has trouble burping, try changing their position or bouncing them gently on your lap. Doing this will help them release any gas and keep them comfortable.

  • Put them to sleep on their back

Putting your newborn to sleep on their back is one of the most important things you can do to keep them healthy. Research shows that this can significantly reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be put to sleep on their backs from birth for every sleep.

In addition to sleeping on their back, be sure that the mattress your baby sleeps on is firm and covered with a fitted sheet. Make sure there are no soft toys or other objects in the crib. And, of course, never place your baby to sleep on a couch, armchair, or soft surface.

  • Don’t use lotions or powders

Regarding your newborn’s skin, lotions and powders can be too harsh. Lotions can clog pores and irritate delicate skin, while powder can irritate babies’ lungs if inhaled. Instead, use mild soap and warm water when washing your baby, and keep them as dry as possible afterward. You can also use olive or coconut oil to moisten your baby’s skin. For diaper changes, opt for natural, fragrance-free wipes instead of powders.


A primary responsibility for any new parent is ensuring their infant is healthy and safe. It can be overwhelming to find out how to provide the best possible care for your child when there is so much information to acquire and comprehend. You will be relieved to know that a wealth of advice is available to assist you in ensuring that your child is both healthy and happy. Keeping your newborn baby healthy is essential, and we have some suggestions for you above. These tips will assist you in providing your infant with the care they require to develop to their full potential, including the appropriate nourishment, adequate rest, cleanliness, and protection.

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