How To Prevent Gum Disease

It is easy to brush your teeth and schedule your dentist appointments, but gum disease can sneak up on you without any warning. Plaque left on teeth causes gum disease leading to gum inflammation and eventual bone loss around the tooth. Here are a few ways to prevent gum disease.

Good Oral Hygiene Practice

Practicing good oral hygiene is one way of preventing gum disease. Having a consistent healthy oral cavity is easy. You have to brush your teeth twice a day. You should use correct toothpaste for your teeth and gums, as well as flossing once a day.

Bacteria can cause gum infections, leaving you with pain and tooth decay. The bacteria will grow in the spaces of your gums. If not treated, the bacteria turn into plaque, mixing with other minerals on your teeth. The plaque hardens into tartar, which requires teeth cleaning to get it off. If not removed, plaque and tartar cause gum bleeding.

Once your teeth get infected with gum disease, the roots will not stimulate the jawbone if left untreated. The disease leads to the deteriorating of the gums, hence removing the infected tooth. Tooth removal can be done through the dental implants technique. The implant will fuse into the jawbone preventing bone loss. They also give excellent stability and support for you to enjoy all your favorite meals.

Eating a Balanced Diet Is Important

To prevent gum disease, tooth loss, and other oral complications, you must maintain a balanced diet. Sugary stuff can cause gum disease, so you must limit your intake of such foods. Sugary drinks, food, and carbohydrates can also lead to dental problems, including tooth decay, tooth erosion, infection, and gum recession. They release acids that damage your teeth and gums. Avoiding these foods is not about removing them from your diet. However, it is about consuming fruits and vegetables instead. It is a simple way of keeping your teeth clean. You should also brush them twice a day.

Eating whole grains reduces the risk of developing gum diseases a great deal. When you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you need to consume large portions of whole grain and fiber. By doing this, you will prevent periodontitis and oral complications like the inflammation of the gums.

Increase Vitamin C Intake

Your body doesn’t produce vitamin C; you must take it as part of your daily diet for your gums to remain strong and healthy. It is an immune booster against bacteria.

Vitamin C makes collagen, an essential protein found in tissue throughout the body, including the gums and teeth. Vitamin C also helps with healthy teeth and bones. The risk of gum disease may reduce by taking vitamin C supplements. You can also get vitamin C by eating more fruits like oranges and strawberries, which will boost your resistance to gum disease. It also has healing properties that stop gum bleeding and swelling.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of gum disease. Besides contributing to gingival recession, smoking causes a decalcification process, resulting in worse periodontal diseases. The plaque will mix with saliva, leaving you with awful-tasting saliva and bad breath. The saliva contains protein-rich food particles. Since nicotine causes a reduction in saliva production, it will cause an increase in plaque and later increased risk of gingivitis. Once your gums get damaged, smoking makes it difficult for them to heal as it weakens your immune system.

Dental checkups are the most important part of your oral health care. It is an essential step in keeping a healthy and beautiful smile. Dentists will look for any signs of tooth cavities, cracks, loose teeth, or any problems that may occur later on. That is a significant step as it helps to identify health problems. It is also important because it allows the dentist to give you an ideal treatment plan, which will lead to healthy teeth. Your teeth are only as strong as their foundation. Therefore, a visit to the dentist is vital.

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