How to Choose the Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Maryland

If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident in Maryland, hiring a good lawyer to represent you will be the best course of action. A good lawyer will help get adequate compensation from the other party’s insurer, represent you when the case goes to the courtroom, and offer legal advice/guidance. At the bare minimum, a lawyer may take full responsibility for dealing with your motorcycle accident case, letting you recover.

However, an attorney you decide to work with may play an important role in the failure or success of your case. Choosing an unreliable attorney can leave you with costly legal fees. This is why it is important to consider the following pro tips for choosing the right motorcycle accident lawyer in Maryland:

  1. Check the Attorney’s Performance History

See whether the lawyer publishes their performance history on their site. An attorney with a very high-performance rate in similar cases will have more chances of winning your case.

When looking at the performance rates online, ensure you know the attorney’s win rate. Check both their out-of-court success in settlement and in-court battles. If the potential attorney is more effective when settling cases but loses when they go to court, this can be a problem when your case goes before judges.

Some attorney publicly advertise their performance history but avoid discussing their winning rates in the courtroom. So, ensure you look at both of those things.

  1. Talk about Payment

Knowing how a motorcycle accident lawyer gets paid when you decide to hire them is crucial. Plus, you must understand the kind of formula they use to determine the rate of charging fees.

Many personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means you will only pay them when you get the full settlement amount. How much you will pay depends on the attorney you hire.

  1. Look at the Experience

The best motorcycle accident attorney doesn’t need to be a motorcyclist, but finding one with experience in motorcycle accident cases is imperative.

You have many reasons why you need an experienced motorcycle accident attorney. For one, insurance requirements for all motorcycles in Maryland vary from those of other types of vehicles. Second, according to the NHTSA, about 81% of all motorcycle accidents in Maryland lead to injuries to motorcyclists.

  1. Ask for Referrals

One of the best ways to find the best motorcycle accident lawyer is to consider using your network. Many riders have connected to other motorcyclists with similar interests. This kind of network can be helpful when looking for an attorney.

There is also a chance that someone in your family or a friend has had a motorcycle accident. If that is the case, they can offer you reliable referrals that you may look into.

The Takeaway

The financial well-being of your family is on the line when you get injured and aren’t able to work again. A good lawyer who has specialized in motorcycle accident cases can help. Working with one lets you concentrate on your recovery while they take on the insurer and the party at fault to get a fair settlement.

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