Employee Tracking Software: Is It Really Worth the Investment?

According to a New York Times Report, monitoring staff at work is becoming “unexpectedly common,” it could soon make its way into your workplace. In recent years, phone tracking has become common because all businesses monitor who makes and receives calls on their employees’ work phones instead of texting and browsing the internet.

 There has even been work computer software for taking screenshots for years. But since the pandemic, employers don’t trust their workers’ work that they do from home, which has given modern technology a slightly sinister twist. How does that affect employees, and why is it destructive to your workplace?

Why is this bad?

When everyone feels dispersed because of remote work, there can be a few different ways to monitor your staff. However, being a manager is different from being a dictator, and employees will suffer greatly when they know they are being observed and questioned.

Is it Useless?

What is the most harmful part of workplace monitoring? You spend much time and money on Employee surveillance software, but it’s useless! Multiple research studies show that stress and anxiety are even induced in those being surveilled by just the idea of being under observation. In a study conducted at a call center that tracks workers’ labor using heavy-duty monitoring systems, 87 percent of the workers reported high levels of stress, and 50 percent of them were taking anxiety medication.

 Furthermore, the effects of stress on productivity are well known; the data on this is beneficial. According to a different study, Chinese factory workers were more productive than other workers under surveillance when they were not. The people who were observed exhibited reduced creativity.

How to proceed instead

Use the following advice to actively influence your team’s work experience rather than just monitoring them in the workplace.

Leave Employees Alone.

Allowing your employees to be productive is the best way to ensure it. Best Buy explored a Results-Only Work Environment that prioritized staff independence over ten years ago. The result was that people with control over their days were happier, healthier, and more productive than those whose schedules were set to them. So why measure productivity based on how well a worker follows office hours when an employee’s choice of when to work might be the difference between slacking and working hard?

Be Honest With Your Staff

Instead of using tracking software in a passive-aggressive manner, be honest. Speak up if you believe someone needs to do more, show more interest in you, or accept more responsibility. Employees’ job performance is a reliable indicator of honesty, even though time tracking software can detect lying in their reported hours worked. 

In the end, but not least, the thing that matters most is how they help the team. Instead of handing over employee surveillance responsibilities to A.I. in a manner that only provides partial insight into employees’ work performance, managers and supervisors should be conducting their workplace surveillance.

Get Suitable Gadgets

While using tracking softwares that measures an employee’s mouse movement may seem reasonable, many helpful tracking softwares are available that fit your needs. You can find the areas in your processes with gaps and learn how to access them to save time by using Controlio. Use Screenshoting Softwares for your workers to increase their productivity Give your staff access to resources to help them work creatively rather than just ensuring they are working.


In conclusion, it’s clear from controlling the current remote work environment that excessive employee monitoring can harm both individuals and the workplace. While the move to monitoring tools like Controlio may be a way to ensure productivity, the situation is far from ideal.

Selecting the right productivity tools can be easier to use. A perfect example is Controlio, which values the independence of staff while providing helpful information. Instead of just ensuring activity, companies need to focus on promoting creativity and practical tasks.


How is surveillance harmful?

Many tools in surveillance, like recognition of facial features, usually mean that personal data may be misinterpreted or wrong information from databases may be used to mislead investigations.

What are the disadvantages of modern surveillance?

Some feel that continuous surveillance violates privacy and can be unfairly used to target particular individuals or groups. The possibility of abuse is another issue because surveillance footage can be abused or mismanaged.

What are the three purposes of surveillance?

Supporters of surveillance systems think that these instruments may help protect people against criminals and terrorists. They say that there are three ways in which surveillance can lower crime: by observation, by deterrence, and by reconstruction.

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