A Look Back At The Origins Of World Safe Abortion Day

Each year on September 28th, the world celebrates World Safe Abortion Day. For many, this is an opportunity to advocate for greater access to safe abortion services, and to commemorate the progress that has been made in advancing the rights of women and girls to access these services. The roots of World Safe Abortion Day can be traced back to the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo in 1994. This landmark gathering of world leaders marked a major shift in the way that the international community viewed population and development. For more information visit us, https://medical-abortions.com/.

A Brief Overview Of The International Day For Safe Abortion

The International Day for Safe Abortion is an annual event that promotes awareness of the need for safe and legal abortion services. This day was established by the United Nations in 2020 to recognize the need for access to safe, legal, and affordable abortion services for all women and girls around the world. The right to safe, legal and affordable abortion is a fundamental right for all women and girls. 

Access to safe abortion services is an essential component of healthcare, and yet it is still not available in many countries, or is severely restricted. This day highlights the importance of having access to safe abortion services and advocates for the repeal of laws that limit access to these services. The International Day for Safe Abortion calls for an end to the stigma and criminalization of abortion, and for the right to safe, legal and affordable abortion services to be recognized as an essential component of women’s healthcare. It also calls for the repeal of laws that limit access to these services, and for the provision of comprehensive, evidence-based information about sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The Origins Of The Movement

The International Day for Safe Abortion, which is celebrated on September 28th, is a global movement that seeks to raise awareness on the need for safe abortion services and to celebrate the right to choose. It also seeks to break the stigma surrounding abortion and to support women and girls who are denied access to safe abortion services. The origins of the movement date back to 1990 when the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) was held in Cairo, Egypt. At the ICPD, delegates from 179 countries adopted a Programme of Action (PoA), which included a comprehensive and groundbreaking consensus on sexual and reproductive rights, including the right to choose when and how many children to have. 

This marked a significant shift in the global discourse on reproductive rights, as it was the first time that governments had agreed to recognize the right to safe abortion and to provide access to safe abortion services. Following the ICPD, several organisations, including the International Women’s Health Coalition, began advocating for an International Day for Safe Abortion to be established. 

What Sparked The Inception Of World Safe Abortion Day 

World Safe Abortion Day was created in recognition of the lack of access to safe and legal abortions in many parts of the world. It was established to raise awareness about the dangers of unsafe abortions, highlight the importance of access to safe and legal abortion services, and recognize the need for improved access to quality health care and comprehensive sexuality education. Unsafe abortions remain a major cause of maternal mortality in many parts of the world, accounting for an estimated 13% of all maternal deaths. 

Unsafe abortions are often the result of restrictive laws and policies, lack of access to quality health care, and lack of comprehensive sexuality education. Moreover, women living in poverty, in rural or remote areas, or who are facing other forms of marginalisation are more likely to resort to unsafe or self-induced abortions. World Safe Abortion Day is an opportunity to recognize the need to improve access to safe and legal abortion services, and to call for the repeal of restrictive laws and policies, improved access to quality health care, and comprehensive sexuality education. It is also an opportunity to bring attention to the often marginalised voices and experiences of women who are seeking safe and legal abortions.

Challenges Faced In Gaining International Recognition 

One of the biggest challenges faced in gaining international recognition for World Safe Abortion Day is the lack of awareness among people, especially in developing countries, about the concept of safe abortion and the need for its promotion. This is because the topic of abortion is often considered a taboo in many societies and is rarely discussed openly. As a result, there is a lack of understanding among the general public regarding the importance of safe abortion and its associated health benefits. 

Another challenge is the lack of adequate resources to promote World Safe Abortion Day in a meaningful way. This is especially true for developing countries, where resources for health promotion are limited. Furthermore, due to the stigma associated with abortion, many organisations and government bodies are reluctant to fund campaigns or initiatives related to this topic. A third challenge is the lack of involvement from high-level decision makers in promoting World Safe Abortion Day. This is due to the fact that many governments are hesitant to take a stand on the issue of abortion, as it is a very sensitive and controversial topic. As such, there is a need for greater political will in order to create an environment that is conducive for the promotion of safe abortion.

Current Efforts To Reduce Maternal Mortality 

Maternal mortality is a global health crisis with nearly 300,000 women dying each year due to complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. To address this issue, there is an array of efforts being made to reduce maternal mortality around the world. One of the most significant efforts to reduce maternal mortality is the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs were set in 2000 with the goal of reducing the maternal mortality rate by three-quarters from its 1990 levels by the year 2015. 

To achieve this goal, the MDG initiative has focused on providing access to basic health services and education, improving access to contraceptives and family planning, and enhancing the quality of care for pregnant women. The World Health Organization (WHO) is another key player in the fight to reduce maternal mortality. WHO has developed a comprehensive strategy for maternal health, which includes improved access to quality antenatal care, skilled birth attendants, and emergency obstetric care. WHO also works to increase access to contraception, provide education about reproductive health, and promote gender equality. 

The Importance Of Advocating For Safe Abortion Access 

Advocating for safe abortion access is an essential aspect of protecting the reproductive rights of women. Reproductive autonomy is a fundamental human right, and access to safe abortion services is an important part of that right. Women should have the right to make decisions about their own bodies without interference from the government, medical professionals, or other individuals. When women have safe access to abortion services, they are able to make decisions about their own health and well-being without fear of punishment or judgement. 

This helps to ensure that women are able to make informed decisions about their own reproductive health. Furthermore, access to safe abortion services can help reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, as unsafe abortion is a major cause of maternal deaths worldwide. Advocating for safe abortion access also helps to ensure that women are able to access healthcare in a timely manner. When abortion is not safe, women may delay seeking care or be unable to access it due to financial or other barriers. This can cause major health problems, and in extreme circumstances, death. Furthermore, safe abortion access can minimise unwanted pregnancies, helping to reduce the number of children living in poverty.


As we look back on the origins of World Safe Abortion Day, it’s clear that it was created to honour and celebrate the right to safe and legal abortion care. It serves as a reminder that access to abortion is a fundamental human right and an essential component of reproductive health care. We must continue to strive for a world where all people have access to safe, legal, and affordable abortion care.

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