10 Signs Of An Alcoholic Personality

Are you worried someone close to you may be struggling with alcohol addiction? Or do you think that perhaps you have taken your drinking habits a bit too far? The problem of alcohol abuse is more common than many people realize.

If left untreated, alcoholism can have serious psychological and physical effects on the person suffering from it.

Sober living in LA provides comprehensive treatment programs which involve individual and group therapy to help individuals achieve sobriety.

In this post, we’ll take a look at 10 signs of an alcoholic personality and provide tips for how to get help if needed.

Read on to learn more about recognizing when drinking has become a problem!

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism, also referred to as alcohol use disorder, is a serious medical diagnosis that can be identified when that alcohol becomes the primary factor influencing how an individual perceives and interacts with their environment.

To diagnose alcoholism-related mental disorders, a doctor might assess how often and how much an individual is engaging in alcohol use or look out for physical signs such as bloodshot eyes or how they carry themselves or smell.

Further criteria are outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual that can be used to detect alcoholism accurately. Understanding how to spot an alcoholic face is essential to gauge the severity of the situation and decide how best to approach it.

Furthermore, it can help individuals to recognize when they might have a problem with alcohol dependence.

10 Signs of an Alcoholic Personality

There are many signs of an alcoholic personality. Here are the 10 most common signs to look out for:

A preoccupation with drinking

One of the most common signs of an alcoholic personality is a preoccupation with drinking. This may manifest as constantly thinking about when the next drink will be, making excuses to drink, or planning social activities around drinking. If you find that you are always thinking about alcohol and do not stop drinking, it may indicate a problem.

Drinking in secret

Another sign of an alcoholic personality is drinking in secret. If you feel you need to hide your drinking from others, it may be a sign that you are trying to control your consumption but cannot do so. This can be particularly dangerous alcohol affects as it can lead to secretive and risky behavior such as drinking and driving.

Drinking more than intended

A third sign of an alcoholic personality is drinking more than intended. If you regularly exceed the amount of alcohol you intend to consume, it may be a sign that you have lost control over your drinking. This can be dangerous as it can lead to health problems such as liver damage or pancreatitis.

Drinking despite negative consequences

A fourth sign of an alcoholic personality is continuing to consume alcohol and excessive drinking despite negative consequences. If you find that your drinking is causing problems in your life but continue to do it anyway, it may be a sign that you have an issue with alcohol. This can lead to very serious consequences such as job loss, financial problems, or relationship issues.


A fifth sign of an alcoholic personality is tolerance. If you find that you need to drink more and more alcohol to get the desired effect, it may be a sign that your body is becoming tolerant of the substance. This can lead to increased consumption and potentially dangerous situations such as blackouts or alcohol poisoning.

Withdrawal symptoms

A sixth sign of an alcoholic personality is experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking. If you experience anxiety, irritability, shaking, or sweating when you don’t drink may be a sign of alcohol dependence. This can be very dangerous as withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening if not treated properly.

Loss of interest in hobbies

A seventh sign of an alcoholic personality is a loss of interest in before-enjoyed activities. If you no longer derive pleasure from activities or hobbies that used to bring you joy, it may signify that alcohol has taken precedence over other things in your life. This can be dangerous as it can lead to further isolation and depression.

Poor performance at work

An eighth sign of an alcoholic personality is a poor performance at work. If you find that your job performance has been decreasing due to drinking, it may be a sign that alcohol has become something that interferes with your ability to do important jobs properly. This can lead to very serious consequences, such as job loss or demotion.

Relationship issues

A ninth sign of an alcoholic personality is relationship issues. If you find that your relationships with your family and friends have been strained due to drinking, it may be a sign that alcohol has become too important in your life. This can lead to further isolation, loneliness, and conflict with loved ones.

Denial of problem

Finally, a tenth sign of an alcoholic personality denies that there is a problem. If you are in denial about the effects of your drinking on your life, it may be a sign that you need to seek help. This can be one of the very most difficult signs to recognize, as it involves acknowledging a problem and taking steps to address it.

If you identify with any of the above signs, it is important to take action and seek help. Whether you speak to a doctor, therapist, or support group, getting help can make all the difference in managing your drinking and living a healthier life.

Getting Help for an Alcoholic Personality

If you or someone you know is exhibiting signs of binge drinking or an alcoholic personality, getting help as soon as possible is important.

Various treatments are available, from therapy and lifestyle interventions to medication-assisted treatment. It is important to speak with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best action for your particular situation.

The first step is to reach out and get help. You don’t have to do it alone; many resources are available for people struggling with alcoholism.

Several organizations specialize in helping those with an alcoholic personality, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Al-Anon.

Reaching out and seeking help is an important step toward overcoming an alcoholic personality. With the right support, it is possible to manage the symptoms of alcoholism and lead a healthy, productive life.


An alcoholic personality is a behavior characterized by alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to serious problems in one’s life. The signs of an alcoholic personality can range from increased tolerance and withdrawal symptoms to loss of interest in hobbies and poor performance at work.

Recognizing the signs early on is key for seeking help and managing the condition. With the right support, it is possible to overcome an alcoholic personality and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.

If you or someone you know or love exhibits signs of an alcoholic personality, don’t hesitate to seek help. Seeking professional guidance as soon as possible is important for managing the condition and taking steps toward recovery.

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